Eastern Sierra: Bishop Creek - Kings Canyon
Sunset in Palisade Basin
Kings Canyon National Park
©360Geographics, 2002
17 July 2002
Summertime in the High Sierra. A short backpacking trip in the Bishop Pass area led to this beautiful sunset scene. Palisade Basin is located in California's Kings Canyon National Park just on the west side of the Palisade Crest. Summertime in the High Sierra consists of almost daily thunderstorms that sometimes can go well into the evening. This day the clouds came and went. A thunderstorm forced us to take cover under some rocks during the day, left us alone to make camp and dinner, and provided the beautiful clouds to turn everything around us orange and red with the sunset.
This panorama was taken at 11,450 feet (3,490 m). The opening shot includes some highlighted mammatus clouds on the back side of the cumulonimbus that past over us. The peaks covered by clouds include the aptly named Thunderbolt Peak at 14,000 feet (4,267 m) and North Palisade, the highest of the Palisade Crest at 14,242 feet (4,341 m). The Palisade Crest is home to five of the Sierra Nevada's eleven fourteeners.